Meet Spazz! He's a charismatic young adult bearded dragon bursting with personality. True to his name, Spazz has some intriguing quirks that make him a unique and endearing companion. While he's an overall good boy, building trust with his human takes time, as he came from an environment where bonding wasn't prioritized, and he was left to his own devices.

Though he doesn't bite, Spazz may threaten to do so occasionally ( All bark and no bite!). He enjoys being held but can be a bit uneasy with behaviors resembling those of predators, such as standing above him or sudden grabs from above. Spazz thrives in an environment where he can receive the understanding and time necessary to seamlessly become a part of the family.

Despite occasional spunky behavior, Spazz is a sweetheart at heart. Once he establishes trust, his affectionate and lovable nature truly shines through.